Some others widgets are availables in the library. Here's a list with some decription
Widget | Description |
MatplotFigureScatter |
Widget for scatter and lines figure. User set extra hover infromation with 'scatter_label' attribute. See example 'example_cursor_scatter' for more information. |
MatplotFigureTwinx |
Widget for twinx axis and lines Only. The user no need to click on the axis to activate pan. See example 'example_twinx' for more information. |
MatplotFigureCropFactor |
Widget with 'crop_factor' kivy property (defalut 2.2). This property can reduce the figure dpi for faster draw. |
MatplotFigureGeneral |
Widget if all others widgets are not working for your case. Used matplotlib event for all interactive behavior like pan and zoom. Fast_draw attibute is not available for this widget. See example 'navigation_bar_general_purpose' for more information. |
MatplotNavToolbar |
Simple navigation toolbar. Use only with MatplotFigureGeneral widget |